Ecclesiastes Chapter 4.

Sermon Notes. Ecclesiastes Chapter 4.

How do we create a genuinely caring church family in a society where people are feeling very lonely and very much alone in this work?

1: Life is lonely – when you feel that no one cares about you and the troubles that you are going through. V1-3.

‘I looked and saw. I saw the tears of the oppressed and they had no comforter.’ V1. ‘But better off than either, are those who have never been born.’ V3.

Question: Every day we pass people in pain. Do we need to ask GOD to ‘open our eyes’ so that we begin to notice their pain? Do we need to ‘open our hearts and our hands’ so that we can do something to practically care for and comfort people in their pain? Who are you caring for and comforting?

2: Life is lonely – when you get all caught up in the rat race of life. V4-6

‘They say that a man would be a fool to fold his hands and let himself starve to death. Perhaps so, but it is better to have only a little with peace of mind, than to be busy all the time with both hands, trying to catch the wind.’ V5-6.

Question: What are you working so hard for? What is the busyness of your life? Are you trying to accomplish His purposes of your own goals?

Question: Are you using Sunday in a positive way to refresh, recharge and renew your life spirituality, emotionally and physically?

3: Life is lonely – when you have no really close friends who will stick with you through some of the most difficult and demanding days of your life. V7-12

‘Here is a man who lives alone. He has no son, no brother, yet he is always working, never satisfied with the wealth he has. For whom is he working so hard? V8

St. Paul’s Church Family is built on relationships.

‘A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.’ Proverbs 18:24

Question: Are you putting your work before building close friendships in your life?

Question: Who are you a close friend too? Are you coming alongside someone in their time of trouble and distress?

Question: Is God using you to be a true friend to someone else in our Church Family? Are you making yourself available?

4: Life is lonely – when you’ve worked hard to get to the top of your profession and then are replaced by someone younger. This too is meaningless, a s chasing after the wind.’ V16

‘But those who came later were not pleased with the successor. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.’

The challenge for us as Church Family from this chapter. We are a genuinely warm and friendly Church for people to come into.

Question: How can we take that on to a deeper level and build even more caring, supportive friendships that will carry us through as we go through our lives.

Question: is there someone that you could invite round to your garden for a coffee or lunch to build a deeper friendship?

Question: Is there someone you could ring and say – I missed you over these last few months. Are you OK? What could you do to build deeper friendships in life this week?