Sermon Notes

- Restoring Hope. John chapter 21

Sermon Notes. Restoring Hope. John chapter 21. The Bible is populated with ‘broken world people’. There are very few in the Scriptures who progress to greatness, that didn’t have their great experience as God’s man or woman, without some kind of broken world experience. The list is long, from Moses to David, to Solomon, and many more – broken world people who are shattered by their failure and yet, it never disqualified them from being used by God in His future plans for their lives!

- Easter Sunday – John Chapter 20 v1-29

Sermon Notes. Easter Sunday – John Chapter 20 v1-29 I wonder have you ever asked yourself the Questions: 1: What proof would I need to really believe all this stuff about Jesus? 2: What would convince me that Jesus really is God’s only Son and this world’s only Saviour. 3: What evidence would you need to help you come to a place where you could believe that. 1: v18, Mary is the first person that John records who personally sees the Risen Jesus.

- Palm Sunday 2021

Sermon Notes: Palm Sunday 2021. Matthew Chapter 21:1-11 In Matthew 21 we join a crowd who have gathered outside the city of Jerusalem, who see and are there to welcome Jesus, the One they hoped would rescue them from their Roman oppressors. This is the One they’ve been waiting for, the One they know who’s been promised by God time and time again throughout the Old Testament. 1: Come join the crowds and let’s welcome Jesus into our town and lives as King.

- Habakkuk Chapter 3 verses 2 to 16

Sermon Notes: Habakkuk Chapter 3 verses 2 to 16 Back to the future – How to prepare your heart for the hard times to come. Habakkuk NOW knows that the Babylonians are coming, these vicious, heartless, brutal people who will pillage, rob, steal, destroy everything and everyone in sight. They will carry back to Babylon men, women and young people who will never see their homes again. (Daniel and his friends were some of those abducted and forcibly marched off to Babylon)